EUROWASTE is in the market to establish the price and quality difference. Our business are run as transparent as they can be so communities do not end paying up more than they have to. Every item included in our design is specifically justified so there are no surprises, no surcharges and more importantly, our project management section will cover enough detail to allow Municipalities auditors do their job.
Accountability with EUROWASTE comes first.
EUROWASTE enter the market with a clear vision that business can be performed efficiently and properly when things are clearly understood by all.
EUROWASTE is a partner to fight corruption and make solutions available at reasonable prices. EUROWASTE has successful limited-resouce customers perfoming at the same level with highly developed, resourceful ones.
You will be surprised how much value for money you will get. EUROWASTE has a highly developed policy of service whereby it does not charge for every service. Many consultations and proposals go for free to help your environmental efforts. Our partners are also leaders in the world market: BERLIN-CONSULT ECOLING SPLIT CYCLE INTERNATIONAL ENVIROMED INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS HOUSE ALFAL